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Tango history, music, dancers...



Tango history and music - a unique collection of information about tango history, tango dancers, musicians and singers. This website was recognized as a resource of national importance by Argentinian government.  -  a large selection of restored tango music.  Many of tracks in our collections came from this resource. - a company founded by tango enthusiasts to transfer Golden Age tango music from old shellac disks. They make a point of bringing the sound tone (high and low) as close to natural as possible. Out of principle, they do not perform noise suppression because it hurts the high frequency range of the recordings. They were able to obtain large collections from private collectors and have very rare recordings for sale (they call recordings "transfers"). 

    Joe's Tango podcast - 150+ interviews with people involved in tango as teachers, performers, musicians, event organizers, and just social dancers with experience. This podcast is available on multiple platforms: just Google "Joe's Tango podcast" to get it.



Teachers and dancers



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